Hi there,

Thanks guys for the compliments about the Taiwanese pineapple cake.  I am happy that you enjoyed it, and so I’m thinking some of you might be interested in the recipe. 

Pineapple cake (鳳梨酥, pronounced "Fong Lee Sue" in Chinese, "Ong Lai So" in Taiwanese), is one of the most authentic and traditional snacks in Taiwan. It’s not only because we grow pineapples, but mainly because of the pronunciation in Taiwanese. Pineapple (鳳梨) is pronounced “Ong Lai”, the same pronunciation as “luck coming” (but the writing is 旺來, totally different). Because of this, pineapple cakes are the best present for many occasions, especially during the New Year time. People usually bring a box of pineapple cakes with them when visiting friends or relatives to wish each other luck for the coming year.

In order to wish you all happy blessings, here’s the “Ong Lai So” for you:

("So/Sue" means something crispy)


*Ingredients: (for roughly 42 pieces)




(A) Stuffing

Canned pineapple*1  +  caster sugar 100g + corn flour 60g



IMG_4155.JPG(B) Pastry

Self-raising flour 300g + icing sugar 60g + milk powder 60g + cheese powder 2tbsp

Butter 200g (with room temperature) + egg*1



*Methods: (The easiest)

1. Put (A) stuffing into a blender, and mix them up for 1-2 mins until the pineapple goo is sooth.



2. Cook the goo with a microwave for roughly 12 mins (eg. 5mins+5mins+2mins) until it becomes paste, and feels like jelly.



3. Put the pineapple jelly paste into a fridge to cool down for at least 1 hour.

IMG_4159.JPG(--> the firmer the better)

4. Mix ingredients (B) to make the pastry.



5. Weigh roughly 15g pastry and 10g paste to make one cake (or 1/2tbsp:1teasp)



6. Wrap the paste with the pastry, and mould it into whatever shape you like.



7. Preheat the oven to 175, and bake the raw pineapple cakes for 15- 20 mins

IMG_4177.JPG -->IMG_4179.JPG 


8. Wait for the cakes to cool down. When it gets cold and crunchier, it’s done!




Yum~~pineapple cake!Bon Appetite!



*** Winnie’s Love Nagging

1. It’s quite convenient to make the pineapple paste with canned pineapple, and of course it will be great if you make it with a fresh pineapple. I would say 500-600g of raw pineapple (including juice from the tin) is ok for the amount of pastry we made here. Some think it tastes nicer if you don’t use any drop of the canned juice, but only the pure fruit pineapple as your main stuffing ingredient.

2. You can also use this recipe to make “Taiwanese Strawberry Cakes”. Believe me, they will be as mouth-watering as these pineapple cakes. Well, actually you can apply this recipe to whatever flavours you want.  We even have mango cakes, melon cakes, and blueberry cakes nowadays. You could just base on the availability of seasonal fresh fruits!

3. Leaving the pineapple paste in the fridge overnight for cooling down is actually a better idea if you have sufficient time. The cooler/drier the paste is, the easier it will be for you to wrap the paste.  

4. It’s fine to use caster sugar instead of icing sugar in the pastry. Caster sugar will make the cake tastes crisper, but you also need to be more careful not to make cracks in the cake surface.

5. Oh, I forgot to tell you that making pineapple cakes is superbly easy, but just time consuming!!




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